The Confidence Factor
Posted by Heather Stewart on
When you wake up in the morning, do you just roll out of bed and go forth with your day? Or do you stop at the bathroom counter first? Most women stop at the bathroom counter first, because they don’t feel ready to face the world until they’ve used their daily products. Many beauty companies bank on women’s confidence levels because they know that each of their products will help women feel better about themselves, which is why many of those companies offer a wide range of products within their niche.
For example, Pantene promotes healthy, thick hair that’s full of life, which is what all women want….but they also have several different products to help many types of hair. Many makeup companies such as Covergirl send the words ‘bold’ and ‘beautiful’ into women’s vocabularies, which makes women excited to buy those products. We all want to be bold and beautiful! Even baby lotion has been marketed more toward women than babies because having baby soft skin is highly sought after.
All of these things have been created not only to help soothe appearance and health issues, but also to boost morale. Let’s face it - if none of these products existed, women would never leave the house because none of us like having dry skin, dull hair, or a dry face full of blemishes. These various companies have brought confidence to a diverse array of women throughout the globe, and have created a sense of empowerment through their products and have made women everywhere feel simply unstoppable.
However, what some women don’t realize is that confidence starts with themselves and how they keep themselves healthy. Most products out there will do your body more harm than good, which is why it’s so important to stick to the truly all-natural products, like those made of honey. The healthier your body is inside and out, the more confident you will feel. There are hundreds of healthy beauty products out there, and I know it’s overwhelming to choose the ones that best suit you. But you know what? It doesn’t matter whether you use one product or ten, because confidence is truly the best beauty secret, so always remember to smile!
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